
Event Calendar

Sr. No. Events Title Important Dates Details/Download
Important Days in September 2024
1. Swachhata Pakhwada 1st to 15th
2. National Nutrition Week 1st to 7th
3. Teachers’ Day 5th
4. Hindi Diwas/World First Aid Day 14th
5. Hindi Pakhwada 14th to 29th
6. World Ozone Day 16th
7. World Patients Safety Day / Hon’ble Prime Minister Birthday 17th
8. World Alzheimer’s Day 21st
9. Day for the Welfare of Cancer Patients 22nd
10. World Pharmacist Day 25th
11. World Contraception Day / World Environmental Health Day 26th
12. World Rabies Day 28th
13. World Heart Day 29th
Important Days in August 2024
1. World Lung Cancer Day 1st
2. International Youth Day 12th
3. World Organ Donation Day 13th
4. Independence Day 15th
5. World Mosquito Day 20th
6. World Senior Citizens' Day 21st
7. Womens' Equality Day 26th
8. International Overdose Awareness Day 31st
* Last update on 23.08.2024