Sr. No. |
Events Title |
Important Dates |
Details/Download |
Important Days in September 2024 |
1. |
Swachhata Pakhwada |
1st to 15th |
2. |
National Nutrition Week |
1st to 7th |
3. |
Teachers’ Day |
5th |
4. |
Hindi Diwas/World First Aid Day |
14th |
5. |
Hindi Pakhwada |
14th to 29th |
6. |
World Ozone Day |
16th |
7. |
World Patients Safety Day / Hon’ble Prime Minister Birthday |
17th |
8. |
World Alzheimer’s Day |
21st |
9. |
Day for the Welfare of Cancer Patients |
22nd |
10. |
World Pharmacist Day |
25th |
11. |
World Contraception Day / World Environmental Health Day |
26th |
12. |
World Rabies Day |
28th |
13. |
World Heart Day |
29th |
Important Days in August 2024 |
1. |
World Lung Cancer Day |
1st |
2. |
International Youth Day |
12th |
3. |
World Organ Donation Day |
13th |
4. |
Independence Day |
15th |
5. |
World Mosquito Day |
20th |
6. |
World Senior Citizens' Day |
21st |
7. |
Womens' Equality Day |
26th |
8. |
International Overdose Awareness Day |
31st |